Welcome to Open Gates Outdoors’ Blog!

Hello! It occurred to me that the best way to keep our website current and make sure it includes the very latest news and reflections of Open Gates Outdoors would be to include a blog spot. So here it is. It’s my first attempt at a Blog so please feel free to get in touch and give me your thoughts…

I can’t promise to blog every day but will aim to once a week. My intention  is to develop themes of our Facebook and Instagram posts to include a bit more detail. This might be on amusing experiences in the outdoors, issues to do with the outdoors generally or more specifically to do with widening participation in the outdoors, or observations and discoveries relating to natural or man made features of the outdoors. 

Watch this space…..


PS first proper blog to appear here later today relating to sheep!! Don’t miss it…..🐏🐑😀


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