River Don Project

This week I was lucky enough to be at a presentation given by the River Don Project (www.the riverdon.org.uk). It changed the way I look at my environment and also the benefits that can come from the work of Open Gates Outdoors. The presentation was given by Alban Krashi and Jonny Douglas of Opus Independents (www.weareopus.org.uk) an organisation that promotes system change in order to help tackle the most fundamental challenges facing the human race. It does this by encouraging us to view the world we live in and the systems that affect it from a completely different perspective.. The ultimate aim of the River Don Project is to achieve separate legal status for the River Don so its rights are protected in law. This may sound far fetched but it has been achieved in many parts of the world including Colombia, Bolivia, Ecuador, India, New Zealand and even the United States. The most exciting part of the project for me was the creation of a web portal on which anyone can...