Moving statues

Statues are not history "because they are always silent about the victims" and are erected "by a tiny male elite." This is the argument of David Olusoga in response the the government's "retain and explain" policy towards statues. Whereas the government urges town planners to retain statues but put them in historical context, Olusoga argues controversial statues should be removed as they only give one side of history. Several statues in Sheffield have been moved from their original positions but, rather than being removed entirely as Olusoga would urge, they have been put in an alternative location, usually in parks. This was often done in the mid 20th century when increased vehicular traffic meant that some statues were presenting a dangerous obstruction to sight lines and traffic flow. Perhaps the best known example is the statue of Queen Victoria (above) presently at the Hunters Bar entrance to Endcliffe Park. This statue was designed by Alfred ...